Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tenderness, Nobility and Tools

Here I am embarking on my usual procrastination strategy.... fill the blog!

Although lucky for me I am not procrastinating on anything academic, in fact I wish I could bend time for a momentarily pause in all this research of duration, so that in fact I could sort out and digest the many concepts in my presence. I dodge the big G word, G.R.A.N.T -wishing that I can hold my time for reflection more closely and telescoped in and out to many forms, not crammed into this one posting.

My workshop door is open and I see a million tools I could pick up and sharpen, hold, discover, re-order/organize, craft to make something new. This thought is invigorating and overwhelming.

A sun dial  aligned with Halifax time and not daylight savings adjustments.

The moment of attention is by far the most important tool. This is the one I am currently picking up, dropping, hanging on to, and noting to come back to. It is not repetition but a stretch of time, time expanded (although extremely dense) in order to begin to gain the capacity to simply notice.

The delicate task of looking and not overdoing is a difficult one and I am reminded of the tenderness concept.  I have the utmost reverence for all the gifts of research around me, I am floored every day with the questions that are presented and that I get to ask. I feel simultaneously noble and a hot mess in my quest to learn, to face, to interrogate.

duration, non-eraser, risky weight, finishing, dominant/sub-dominate, hot mess, muscle/bone/fascia, go to the place you want to dance, subordinate, merge and separate in a parallel universe. These are my tools to discover.....

A hot mess of ideas in the studio and two very willing bodies on the quest.

Arranging things in Choreography and Design with my colleagues and Chris Aiken!

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