I am beginning again, it feels like I keep re-starting, I re-enter the studio with the same questions, create new questions and come up with old answers.... but there is something there. If only I could see it. !!??**##??!
I started this process, well in 2008. The seed was set.
I first begin to cultivate my questions when working with Project CPR, an initiative by Clare French. That was the initial seed, I carried the seedling germinating into a sprout to a choreographic mentorship with Paul Andre Fortier in the summer of 2009.
He said "I see your questions but not the answer"
I later re-asked the same set of questions in November 2010 with Julia Carr and Amanda Sheather.... now here I am again.... re-starting and re-entering. Feb 2011 with 3 months to go.
Experience?? Capture?? Attunement?? where do they all fit in the digital age?