Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting into the work

I am beginning again, it feels like I keep re-starting, I re-enter the studio with the same questions, create new questions and come up with old answers.... but there is something there. If only I could see it. !!??**##??!

I started this process, well in 2008. The seed was set.
I first begin to cultivate my questions when working with Project CPR, an initiative by Clare French. That was the initial seed, I carried the seedling germinating into a sprout to a choreographic mentorship with Paul Andre Fortier in the summer of 2009.

He said "I see your questions but not the answer"

I later re-asked the same set of questions in November 2010 with Julia Carr and Amanda Sheather.... now here I am again.... re-starting and re-entering. Feb 2011 with 3 months to go.

Experience?? Capture?? Attunement?? where do they all fit in the digital age?

Taking Your Experience for Mine

A new work by Sara Coffin... set to premiere April 29-30th, 2011
The Dance Centre, International Dance Day Celebrations.

Made possible through: The Iris Garland Emerging Choreographer Award, The Dance Centre, The Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, The Canada Council for the Arts and the BC Arts Council.

......some thoughts for you, well really for me (I exist if I publish), and for you to enjoy.